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At Hardwick House School, we understand that the admissions process is incredibly important but can also be a daunting time for any family. It is our aim to support and guide our prospective families throughout this process.



Hardwick House School is an OfSTED Good rated school for 42 children and young people aged 7-19. Our pupils have a diagnosis of Autism or related communication disorders and average or above average cognitive abilities. We deliver a personalised curriculum in which our pupils study towards and sit their GCSE qualifications. All pupils transition on to a course of further study or training in an area of their interest with the skills to positively contribute to modern society. Our current class sizes have a maximum of 5 pupils and we pride ourselves on having highly qualified and experienced staff which currently includes 12 with qualified teacher status.



What is the criteria for admission?

All pupils at the school have an Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP) which specifies Autism or they face similar challenges with a related communication disorder. In addition, we will look at a range of factors when considering if we can meet your child’s needs which includes whether we have space within the peer group and if their ability matches that of other pupils at the school. To see our admissions policy, please click here.


Which local authority do you work with?

We’re based in Leicestershire and due to our Loughborough location, we work with different local authorities across the East Midlands. We welcome enquiries from families who live within an appropriate commuting distance to the school.


What is the admissions process?

Every admission enquiry is treated on an individual basis as the initial enquiry can come from either a local authority or a family directly. Placements at the school are local authority funded.


We welcome visits from prospective parents; our initial tour with you will be virtual with a member of the senior leadership team. They will give you a tour of the school, review your child’s needs with you, and be happy to discuss the admissions process further with you. If you are a parent making an enquiry directly to us, we ask that you share the EHCP where possible. Initial phone calls and visits are a great opportunity for us both to ask questions and find out more information. These are individual tours and take place on Thursdays and Fridays where available. To book in, please give us a call on 01509 218 203, contact us here on our website or via email.


As part of our process, EHCPs from prospective students are reviewed by the senior leadership team on a weekly basis. If we are able to support the outcomes in the EHCP, then we will carry out an assessment of your child to determine if we are the right setting for them. If your child has been out of education for an extended period of time, then we will review notes from their most recent education setting.


Enquiring with us is just the first stage of our contact with you. We will stay in touch and be available to support you throughout.




Hardwick House School is part of Newcome Education.

Hardwick House School Ltd is registered in England & Wales. No: 08821281. Registered office: 58 Buckingham Gate, London, SW1E 6AJ.

Copyright © 2024 Newcome Education

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